Debt Reduction Program

Is the amount of debt you have overwhelming? Do you have difficulty figuring out which lender to pay first? If past due bills cause you worry, I’ll help you decide on a debt elimination strategy that will get you out of debt the fastest way possible.

The Debt Reduction Program aims to free up income you are currently putting towards debt repayment.

What’s Included:

This program consists of three 45-minute Coaching Sessions to understand how your debt came to be and making sure past issues are resolved, to figure out how much can go towards debt repayment each month, and provide education on debt elimination strategies. The end result is to have developed a clear debt reduction action plan. The cost of the program is $195 payable in one payment or three separate monthly payments of $65.

Becoming debt free is possible and I’d love to guide you toward that goal!

Why It Matters:

Imagine your life without debt obligations. Besides eliminating the stress, think about all of the important things in life you could spend money on if you didn’t have debt to repay. The effects are far-reaching and long lasting including being able to build a cash reserve emergency fund, save for long-term financial goals, and afford spending on what brings you happiness.

Personalized Advice:

The best debt reduction approach for you might vary depending on what motivates you most but I won’t force you to follow a generic step by step plan. Instead, we will look at your debts and their causes then build a custom debt elimination action plan specific to your unique situation. In certain circumstances, this may also include recommendations for increasing income or decreasing expenses.

It’s time to pay off your debt from the past so you have more money you can focus on your future!

Let’s get started on your personal plan to get out of debt!