Get your high school graduate a unique gift that will set them up for success and last a lifetime! Not everyone receives quality personal finance education in school and those lessons don't need to be learned through trial and error.
The Grad Personal Finance Crash Course is $200 and includes 4 modules covered via 30-minute Zoom sessions.
The following topics are covered: 1 - Choosing a career path/major - We will cover a number of skill/interest inventories that can help pinpoint which types of majors and careers would be a good fit. In addition, we will look at a tool used to examine salary ranges for various professions.
2 - Creating your first budget - Whether moving into an apartment for the first time or having to manage money that needs to last an entire quarter/semester in college, we will cover what needs to be considered with a budget. We will talk about tracking spending and comparing that spending to budget categories as well as common pitfalls and budget busters.
3 - Importance of good credit - We will discuss why establishing credit is important, how credit scores are determined, and steps that can be taken to build credit when just starting out.
4 - Saving for a secure future - Lessons such as spending less than you earn and borrowing only what you need (from student loans and credit cards) are better learned early on. We will also talk about bank accounts, bank fees and how to avoid them, and setting up good habits with saving.
Get your grad off to a strong start in life with this program! The content was intentionally configured into shorter sessions to avoid getting overwhelmed and to accommodate busy schedules for seniors.
Not buying for yourself? Provide your graduate's name and email address and I will take care of the rest! I will reach out to the graduate to notify them of the crash course and coordinate scheduling the first session at a time convenient for them. If you'd rather have a printable gift certificate, please email me at or call (971) 260-0987 to order.
About the Instructor
Phillip Godinez started in personal finance as volunteer presenter teaching financial literacy to high school students for Financial Beginnings Washington and he is also a Financial Aid Navigator with Graduate Strong. In addition, Phillip is an Accredited Financial Counselor® with the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education®.